Why Would My Child Need A Frenectomy?
Kids only need a frenectomy if they have tongue or lip ties.
A tongue tie, also called “ankyloglossia,” occurs when the band of tissue connecting the tongue to the base of the mouth is thick and overdeveloped. This interferes with proper oral range of motion, making it hard for your child to move their tongue properly.
Lip ties are similar. They occur when the band of tissue connecting the lips to the gums is overdeveloped and too thick. Again, this may cause your child difficulties when they try to move their lips. This is particularly obvious in infants who are still breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
A frenectomy is used to snip these thick bands of tissue. Along with some basic oral physical therapy, this restores your child’s oral range of motion, and allows them to speak, eat, and feed properly.
Tongue and Lip Ties