Treat Tongue & Lip Ties

The team at Cascadia Kids Dentistry is always here to help your child get the treatment they need for a healthy mouth. Thanks to our investment in laser dentistry, we can treat tongue and lip ties using pain-free frenectomies. Contact us now to schedule an appointment for your child, and get the treatment they need.

How It Works – The Frenectomy Process

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To begin, your dentist will need to assess your child’s oral health and determine whether or not they have a serious tongue or lip tie. We practice conservative dentistry, so our team will only recommend surgery if this is the best choice for your little one.

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Frenectomy surgery

At your child’s next appointment, their frenectomy will take place. Typically, numbing and sedation are not required for surgery because of our advanced laser tools, but we can provide them upon request. The surgery takes only a few minutes. Your child’s dentist will use a laser tool to snip their tongue and/or lip ties, restoring their oral range of motion.

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Healing and recovery

Typically, no special healing or recovery process is necessary with a laser frenectomy. Your child’s dentist will send you home with some instructions on postoperative stretches that your child should perform to ensure their mouth heals properly, and the tongue or lip tie does not recur. Follow their instructions to the letter.

Why Would My Child Need A Frenectomy?

Kids only need a frenectomy if they have tongue or lip ties.

A tongue tie, also called “ankyloglossia,” occurs when the band of tissue connecting the tongue to the base of the mouth is thick and overdeveloped. This interferes with proper oral range of motion, making it hard for your child to move their tongue properly.

Lip ties are similar. They occur when the band of tissue connecting the lips to the gums is overdeveloped and too thick. Again, this may cause your child difficulties when they try to move their lips. This is particularly obvious in infants who are still breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

A frenectomy is used to snip these thick bands of tissue. Along with some basic oral physical therapy, this restores your child’s oral range of motion, and allows them to speak, eat, and feed properly.

Next: Common Signs of
Tongue and Lip Ties
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Common Signs Of Tongue And Lip Ties

Not sure if your child needs a frenectomy, or if they have tongue or lip ties? The best way to find out is to visit Cascadia Kids Dentistry, but there are also some common signs and symptoms you can look out for. If you notice them in your child, you should definitely come and see our team for a consultation.

Common signs of tongue ties include difficulties moving the tongue from side to side or sticking it out past the lower front teeth. If your child sticks their tongue out, their tongue may also appear “notched” or heart-shaped.

In infants, tongue ties may also affect breastfeeding. The child may chew on the nipple or have difficulties latching properly onto the breast when feeding. In older kids, tongue ties also can cause speech difficulties, particularly with sounds like “t,” “d,” and “r,”.

Lip ties usually have similar symptoms. Your child may have issues breastfeeding or bottle feeding, and may often fall asleep or be fatigued when nursing. See a dentist if you notice any of the above signs of tongue and lip ties.

Next: Why Would My Child
Need A Frenectomy?
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